Firstly, thank you to everyone who entered. I have a lot of respect for you guys, especially those of you who endured level 3 concrit. Thanks to those who gave the concrit - it is by no means an easy task. And a massive thank you to everyone who helped in the running of this contest (
velvetgunfire, and everyone at l_p!). I hope you all got something out of it.
And I apologise for taking so long with these...let's just say my photoshop skills are not that great. So sorry about the lame banners D: (if I've spelt anything wrong let me know and I'll re-do it).
Without further ado.
Best, Worst and ‘Other’ Awards
(Remember, Best and Worst awards aren’t intended maliciously, these were decided with regard to your dartboard scores and the poll.)
Worst Dialogue
Dear Life by
ladyareia"You and I are a lot alike," Hakuei murmured, his voice echoing in the quiet, dark bathroom, “a lot more than I had first thought."
Best Dialogue
Something With Masa, or, How Planet Masa was Lost from the Gackt System. by
yokozuki“But it's not because it's you, it's because my body is a WHORE and I hate that!”
Worst Characterization
Dear Life by
ladyareia Best Characterization
sex_____&rocknroll by
yokozuki Greatest lack of Characterization
Dream Catcher by
ladyareia Best Badfic
Celebration by
ladyareia Worst Goodfic
Unspoken by
violetsquirrel Worst Premise
Hikari by
ladyareia Worst Execution of a Good Premise
Dear Life by
ladyareia Best Prompt Use
sex_____&rocknroll by
yokozuki Worst Prompt Use
Hikari by
ladyareia Best Storytelling/Effectiveness
sex_____&rocknroll by
yokozuki Best UST
sex_____&rocknroll by
yokozuki Most Ignored
One Step Closer by
ladyareia Most Clichéd
Dear Life by
ladyareia Most Random Sexual Act
Hikari by
ladyareia Most Controversial (Most Disputed as to Quality or Lack Thereof)
Celebration by
ladyareia &
Fuck It by
ymela Overall Awards
Highest Scoring
sex_____&rocknroll by
yokozuki Most Courageous Entrant
without a doubt,
Most Confusing Entry
Untitled by
velvetgunfire but, by all accounts, 'confusing' in a good way!
Untitled by
velvetgunfire Most Admired
fantasy in pink minor by
mayo_polyphony Award for Thought-Provocation
fantasy in pink minor by
mayo_polyphony Award for Comedy/Wit
Something With Masa, or, How Planet Masa was Lost from the Gackt System. by
yokozuki That brings us to the end of awards and the definite end of the contest! Congratulations everyone! Thanks for your bravery and perseverance! ♥
Biweekly challenges will begin running soon.