This is as the title as an exceprt. Just one of the talks that was given, this by Dallan H. Oaks of the quorm of the 12 Apostels. I found it very thought provoking. and intersting. Chances are by tomarrow you will be able to find the exact document tomarrow on I will probably provide a link to it for anyone who wants to read it. I think it does say something interesting. maybe I'm a romantic but, it says a lot to me and it realy touched me.
Dallan H. Oaks
- Divorce touches most families in the church
- The concept of marriage is in danger
- It can be easier to get divorced than fire an unwanted employee
- Many who marry withhold full commitment.
- Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wife.
- He who puts away his wife except for forenication and marry another commits adultery
- There are many who are good members who are divorced
- When a marriage is dead and beyond all hopes of ressisation
- All who have been threw divorced need the healing power of the atonement
- Married couples need to learn to forgive
- Divorce is not an all purpose solution
- Persons are a lot more capable to return to happiness in event of death then divorce
- Children suffer the most from Divorce
- Family instability causes less happiness for the child
- Sexual promiscuity
- Drug addiction
- Gangs relations
- Bishops do not council memembers to divorce
- Provide alternate solutions
- If the body is sick we do not give up we fight to keep it alive.
- Marry a best friend
- Be partners in the money issues
- If one of them goofs up
- Forgive them
- To the goof up: make it right, and do something special.
- Your humble and united pleadings to god will help strengthen your marriage.
- Divorced couples have:
- The individuals don’t take much of the blame
- If they
- prayed together
- Read scriptures together
- There is no proof that unhappily married people are less happy than divorced
- If you just stick with it you will be blessed.
- The best way to avoid divorce from an abusive person is don’t marry them.
- It takes a lot of individual dating and courtship to get to know a person.
- Interpersonal relationships are essential.