May 08, 2006 21:07
Hello, and welcome to the weekly Battlereport. On time for a change.
Todays game was an upset Victory by Cryx. And did I get burned.
Alright here is how it went, Opening of the game I chose a side that worked pretty well for me. I find that with my slower speed timeing my advances is important. His forces were slowed to a weather condition that made it a horrific tatical error to run. While his units were swealtering in this "heatwave" mine were wondering where they put their winter jackets. BWA HA HA HA HA. Gota love using an army that comes from a blistering dessert.
It was a battle of the melee centric warcasters Amon Ad Raza vs. Goreshade the Bastard. My army was filled with the Avatar, Castigator, Vanquisher, And a Repenter, Exemplar Sensachal, A palidan, and 2 units of Knights Exemplar it was a jack scraping army.
Cryx had a full unit of Saytix Raiders, Bane thralls, 2 Pistol Wraiths, 3 Bone Jacks, a renavant pirate crew, and Seether Hell Jack.
This game was so one sided it was painful. I obliterated his whole army and only lost 1 unit of Exemplar, the Avitar, and my Palidan. Eyriss switched from shooting him with Disrupter bolts to prevent his focus generation to a Death bolt, to deal him 3 damage. The Vanquisher jack fired and missed but hit him with the explosion for 5 damage. I had Amon moved into combat range with the undead elf and he swong 3 times at him. The first attack missed (unboosted), the second missed (With all three dice 1's) The last attack hit and I boosted the damage. For what it is worth I droped him 5 HP out of almost 18.
If I lost when Goreshade turned around and hacked Amon apart with his huge sword. What irriates me is I hade him! I could have done it if I had hit with other boosted attack.
So far Amon is 1win 1 loss.