
Dec 18, 2005 20:28

Zeepy, zeepy zeepy.
Sleep is something I shoudl probibly get more of. Heck I would love to. For some reason I go to bed exhausted and wake up exhausted. Sleep isn't working. Naps seem to a little. but I can't seem to get a good nights rest.

People I talk to sugust having a doctor look into me having sleep Apina(sp?). I don't know about that. All I know is I'm tired and I have my big test tomarrow. So tired I want to fall apart and go strait to sleep. I feel like a zombie. Undead and bearly alive. I want to crawl into bed and not wake up till christmass. I want to sleep a week and maybe I will feel refreshed.

These feeling of exhaustion have severly slowed down my painting. I am so far behind. I need to finish the gobbers and teh mechanic, retouch some figures I just got back, finish the Banethralls, Goreshade, Machine Wraith, Stryker, Arcane Tempest Gun mages, plush finish my own Choir, Zealots, Vanquisher, Deliverers, and do A Khandor Boxed set, and a MONSTER of a model.

I don't mind doing the painting but from now on Dave is glueing Everything that won't get in my way painting.


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