Nov 28, 2005 23:28
You know, some people do a lot of others and don't ask for anything in return. They are the kind who you know would make for the greatest companions in life yet for some reason you are blind to how wonderful they realy are to you. I am sure I am not the only one who almost let the greatest thing in his life almost get away.
She I am sure she knows who she is. I don't think I have told her what she means to me. How I realy want her to know that I enjoy every second I spend with her, and miss her when we are away. That I go threw my day wondering what I can tell her about that day, and how to help her.
I want to show her how much I care about her. You know, they say you never realise what you had until you loose it. I guess I got lucky, I didn't loose her More than likely I nearly did but she has let me come back to her. She has accepted me and for that I am very greatful. If I thought she would let me I would kiss her just like this picture shows.