Jan 17, 2006 15:59
Whoopie for Documentary Photography class!!!
I've got homework and I'm excited about it! Also, I've almost got enough money saved up to go to this national photography conference in Chicago over spring break. Eric's going with me. I'm going to bring my portfolio and try to make some contacts for internships and eventually a job. I'm so fucking psyched!!!
Got an override into the section of Advanced Comp I wanted. Yeah... I forgot to CLEP out of it and I never went to Comp I or II. Freshman year. *shrug*
Talked to my Ethics prof. *WARNING* Possibly hot teacher alert. *shakes head* I'll always be a sucker for a intellegent men. That's why I'm so very in love with the big E. Anywho. It won't be a problem. I'm here for a grade and that's all.
Taking an awesome Anthropology class. Southern Culture. It's a 3000 level class... so I don't think I'll be bored. I just don't have a clue to how many or how much my books for that class will cost. Oh, and I will probably be attracted to the prof. I usually am. I like smart, quiet, nerdy types. Emphasis on the smart.
Eric is graduating this spring! Woooooooo-hooooooo! If only he's go turn in his paperwork. Oh, well. I'm sure he'll get around to it eventually.
Off to go read my smutty, historical romance novel outside of my Ethics classroom for an hour or so.