Ink City app (App contains spoilers from Tools of Destruction to A Crack in Time)

Dec 30, 2011 01:44

Mun Name: Tsumi
Journal: tseutsumi
Contact Info: AIM: tseutsumi
Other Characters: Manny Rivera/El Tigre, Karl

Name: Ratchet

From: Ratchet and Clank series/video game


Age: Human years; roughly 20, Lombax years; unknown

Gender: Male

Personality: Personality contains spoilers from A Crack in Time

Ratchet has changed a lot from the age 16 his current age of 20. He has grown and lost and found the family he's never had. But back in the day, a family was not something he ever thought about. He was a selfish brat who thought only of his own glory, money, and adventure. He had dreams of his own glory which didn't really include anyone else at the time. Working with Clank was for the longest time just a convenience, something he put up with to get what he wanted. A friendship was growing just before Qwark's betrayal and Ratchet felt especially betrayed by Clank since he was the one to dragged him into the trap. Afterward it took a massive shock to knock him out of his want for revenge and his want for glory. After his first adventure, he did learn to see the big picture about things. Though he still had his own selfish desires even though he had grown closer to Clank. Clank would be Ratchet's conscience for a while to come.

Over the next adventures though, Ratchet did learn what it meant to be a hero. He didn't always get the glory or the girl, but he didn't mind too much. He was able to save the universe and the people he cared about. He was also the one making the universe a much better place by getting rid of people like Drek and Vox. He helped to turn Captain Qwark into a hero again and give people hope. Being a hero was it's own reward in a way for him. That was why he wanted to save everyone in DreadZone and not just himself. He wouldn't doom the others or allow himself to fall as his once hero did. He also grew closer to his friends and above all Clank. Clank was his first and best friend and the two were nearly always inseparable. Those two helped to teach each other a lot. Which was why it was so hard for him during this trials with Tachyon. Clank wanted to destroy the one chance Ratchet had to reunite with his people and for Ratchet it hurt quite a lot. But once he saw the danger in the Dimensionator he realized the safety of the universe was greater than his want to see the Lombaxes. And so he gave it up to keep the Lombaxes, his friends, and the Galaxy safe.

But when Clank was taken, Ratchet felt he had lost a part of himself. He again was having those selfish thoughts and drives, even as he was trying to find Clank. Without his robotic friend the darker side of him came out a little more easily and he has less qualms with doing illegal activities to get what he wants or needs. He was able to identify with Alister in his drive to do anything and everything to get to the Great Clock and help the Lombaxes. Though Ratchet would never go as far as Alister did and because of that he feels even more betrayed. He knows he's dead and knowing that it was Alister who killed him. With this and knowing he had only just reunited with Clank and that his friend was choosing to leave him, it will weigh heavily on him. He's going to make friends well enough but inside he will be struggling with his feelings and possibly lean more to his selfish side. His drive to be a hero will still be intact though and he will try to help others when he can, but that doesn't mean he may not ask for something in return. Only time will tell if he can get over these feelings or if they will overpower him.

Backstory: (Contains spoilers from Tools of Destruction to A Crack in Time)

Moral Standing: Chaotic Good.

Dreams: Ratchet does enjoy adventure and stopping the bad guys but deep inside he wants to find a home and a family.

Fears: He has very few. Dying is one and loosing those close to him is his other.

Extra: He has a lot of BFGs. They include all of the weapons and gadgets from the game; A Crack in Time. I will list them all here and what they can do.

Groovibomb Glove The Groovibomb Glove will be by mun-approval only as it's function does inhibit the free-will of it's target. Then the Groobibomb is released, the disco-ball floats into the air and plays rock music as well as displays a bright light show. The music and lights have a hypnotizing effect that brings about sudden spontaneous dancing. This only lasts for about 30-seconds before the ball falls out of the air and explodes, damaging nearby enemies. It also doesn't affect the wielder and gives them time to make a retreat, reload, or get a few good hits in. The bomb is outfitted with four bombs at a time before it is out of ammo. The Groovibomb, a hit at any party. Brought to you by GrummelNet.

OmniWrench Millennium 12 The OmniWrench Mellennium 12, or Omniwrench for short, is Ratchet's main tool and melee weapon. It is a wrench made of ultra-light Teratannium metal and fitted with a hyper grip handle. This gives it a firm grip in Ratchet's hands so disarming him is no easy feat. It comes with a magnetized handle as well so if Ratchet throws the wrench it will return to him like a boomerang. It is also outfitted with a Kinetic Tether, which allows the head of the wrench to come off and attach itself to objects that Ratchet normally can't reach, normally a bold or a piece of magnetized metal. Ratchet and use the tether and the wrench to move large objects as long as they are not bolted down. He can also pick up things with it, such as grenades, and use the wrench to fling them back at enemies.

The Judicator The Judicator is the upgraded version of the Negotiator rocket launcher. The difference here is instead of firing one rocket at a time, the Judicator fires three, two additional rockets at 30 degrees laterally from the center rocket. The other two rockets don't home in on enemies and simply continue straight until they hit something. It is great for crowd control but terrible for one on one battle until Ratchet can manage to get close range with it. The Judicator can be fired 10 times before needing to be reloaded. Best to use when the odds are against you. Brought to you by GrummelNet.

The Constructo Pistol The Constructo Pistol is the main weapon in the Constructo weapons like. It comes with several different upgrade options and can be put together with any combination of the nine. Ratchet, however, will only have access to the three parts he had on the weapon prior to him being pulled. He had the Charge, Beam, and Impactor upgrades. What this does is the gun charged up a beam before firing. It can fire a simple one shot beam or can be charged to fire one beam with the power of ten. The Impactor upgrade make it so said beam exploded when it makes contact with something. The gun has an ammo capacity of 160 meaning it can be fired sixteen times at full charge before it needs to be reloaded. It is a great weapon for a one-on-one battle but horrible for when facing multiple enemies. Brought to you by GrummelNet.

Doom Blades The Doom Blades are the newest edition to the GrummelNet "Smirking Ninja" weapons line. The gun fired buzz saw blades that have been soaked in a high molarity, Raritanium-piercing hydro chloro biocidic acid that is guaranteed to deal damage after the blade has made it's mark. The acid can eat through both metal and organic material but it does so at a slow and rather painful rate. Due to the fact the buzz saws also ricochet around a few times before loosing velocity and falling to the ground, they can land multiple hits on foes, delivering more touches of the acid as well as cuts. The gun can hold 200 buzz saws and fires at about 10 blades per second. Meaning after 20 seconds of continuous fire, it will be out of ammo and need to be reloaded. The ultimate lazy ninja tool brought to you by GrummelNet.

Blizzard Mine Glove The Blizzard Mine Glove is another glove bomb weapons. It allows the wielder to throw small mines about the size of a baseball with spikes on the end. When an enemy gets too close the mine homes in on them and explodes, delivering a chilling blast of freezing agent. The glove can hold about 16 bombs. This freezing agent can do anything from cause a sudden chill to possibly trapped a body part or most of a person in ice, depending on mun-approval. This weapon is an ingenious way for trapping and neutralizing enemies to give yourself time to retreat to attack. Unfortunately the freezing affect won't last longer than roughly 45 seconds or less. Brought to you by GrummelNet.

Chimp-o-Matic The Chimp-o-Matic is GrummelNet's newest transformation weapon. It was designed as a party gag originally by a bored technician. The beam can transform enemies into chimpanzees though the process takes time. The smaller the enemy, the quicker the transformation but the larger the enemy, the longer it takes. The beam has to remain connected on the target the entire duration or the process must be redone from the beginning. After the target it his with the beam long enough in a flash of light they transform. This will only be done with mun-approval of course and last no longer than 60 seconds. Though if the target is organic they will become an organic chimp while if they are robotic they will become a toy monkey. Unlike many other guns, it doesn't need ammo to fire. Brought to you by GrummleNet.

The Constructo Bomb Glove The Constructo Bomb Glove, or Constructo Bomb for short, is the second in the line of the Constructo weapons. This glove comes equipped with 16 bombs and is customizable like the pistol. Just like the pistol though, Ratchet will only have access to the upgrades he had on it when he entered Ink City. He had the Sky Burst upgrade, the Shrapnel upgrade, and the proximity upgrade. This means once the bombs are thrown they won't detonate until someone or something gets too close. Then it explodes with six beams of energy and shrapnel into the air, about up to 10 feet. This helps for targeting flying enemies as well since the sky burst proximity combo allows it to know when something floats over the bombs up to 10 feet above it. It is a great defensive weapons for those flying types. Brought to you by GrummelNet.

The Constructo Shotgun. The Constructo Shotgun is the last weapon in the GrummelNet line of Constructo weapons. This powerful shotgun has many combinations that allow it to have many different purposes in battle. It can fire about 18 shots before it needs to be reloaded. Ratchet can only access the customizable options he had on it when he was pulled into Ink City like the others, meaning he has the Lance, Galvanic, and Choke upgrades. The Lance fires the energy pellets at a fast straight path that can pierce multiple enemies. The Galvanic option electrifies these pellets, giving them a chance to shock and stun enemies (mod-approved of course), and the choke prevents the pellets from spreading so they fire in a more straight path, cutting of the spread damage but helping to deliver a more powerful straight fire shot. Perfect for those big enemies. Brought to you by GrummelNet.

The Dynamo of Doom The Dynamo of Doom is GrummelNet's electro weapon of choice. The gun launches an orb that opens up into an electrical sphere about two feet in diameter that can be controlled remotely by tilting the gun to make it roll in different directions. If the trigger his held, the orb can be charged so it spans 6 feet in diameter but it's speed is greatly decreased due to it's increased size. The Dynamo has about 18 orbs in it and once they are spent, it needs to be reloaded. It is the perfect weapon for those close encounters in tight hallways. Brought to you by GrummelNet.

Plasma Striker The Plasma Striker may look like a crossbow but it is actually an energy sniper rifle. This weapon holds 8 shots total and comes equipped with a scope that can zoom in about 20X, giving Ratchet an easier time hitting enemies from large distances. The scope did have a bio-scanner ability in his world that would highlight weak points on enemies on the scope's view but that function will be damaged and unfixable here in Ink City. Perfect for getting the first hit during those ambushes. Brought to you by GrummelNet.

Tesla Spikes The Tesla Spikes are a GrummelNet defensive weapon of choice. Just by throwing this spikes they will stick into the ground and zap nearby enemies with electricity. Throwing multiple spikes will create a web of electricity, increasing the range of the shocks and zapping anyone who steps through the web. The glove can hold 8 spikes before it needs to be reloaded. This is a wonderful defense weapon when guarding a perimeter. Brought to you by GrummelNet.

Super Sonic Eruptor The Super Sonic Eruptor is the fully upgraded version of the Sonic Eruptor weapon. This new and improved gun has an adult Xenegote attached to the front of it. It burbs when the trigger is hit, launching a sonic blast from it's mouth as well as releasing toxic droplets of spit. This weapon is great for crowd control and should the tripper be pulled when the Xenegote's cheeks are puffed out, it's burp blast is magnified by ten fold, blasting anything within a 65 degree range of Ratchet. The ultimate weapon for both crowds and grossing out your opponents. It can hold 18 rounds before needing to be reloaded. Brought to you by GrummelNet.

Spiral of Carnage The Spiral of Carnage is GrummelNet's upgraded version of their Spiral of Death. This weapon fires three energy spiral blades that shoot forth about 10 feet and return to the weapon. It's firing speed is much slower than the Spiral of Death as all 3 blades must return to the gun before it can be fired again. It can be fired a total of 18 times before it again needs reloading. The blades vanish once the gun is out of energy to sustain them but will reappear when it is reloaded. This weapon is great for when you're outnumbered and need a bit of slicing assistance. Brought to you by GrummelNet.

One more note on all these guns. Ratchet is coming to Ink City with full ammo but no extra ammo. He will have to reverse-engineer his ammo to create more with will take time or hope some appears in the warehouse. He also doesn't normally carry extra ammo with him into battle so once the shots are used up the gun is useless until he can get more ammo. Just a note.

Now on to gadgets.

OmniSoaker The OmniSoaker is a gadget that can suck up and shoot out almost any liquid from nectar to water to oil. It is epecially helpful in transporting liquids over great distances while being able to use it along the way. In Dive it can suck up water, oil, and any other liquid as long as it shares a density of liquid and is thicker than water. It can them be shot out in globs until the container is empty.

O2 Mask The O2 mask is simple an oxygen mask that filters oxygen out of water if used underwater or supplies it in space. It will do any the first function as space travel is impossible in Ink City. Ratchet will be able to use the mast to go underwater for extended periods of time and swim around without the fear of drowning.

The Swingshot The Swingshot is a gadget that allows Ratchet to swing across gaps or to use it like a grappling hook and zoom over chasms. It works much like any other grappling hook and has a range of about 30 feet total. And due to it's Raritanium tether, it isn't going to break easily.

Holo-guise The Holo-guise is a gadget that allows Ratchet to scan a person or being and then transform into a somewhat replica of them. It is only a somewhat replica because then the image is put over Ratchet it takes a form more suited to it's user. Such as when Ratchet used it to turn into Nefarious and remained at his current height. So Ratchet can turn into copies of people but will remain at his height. He must get a full scan of someone to use it though and for now it is set to disguise himself as Nefarious. The disguise will be broken however if Ratchet tries to attack someone with another weapon.

Hoverboots Ratchet's hoverboots were once his fathers and are Lombax made. They allow him to hover at a slow speed or zoom around should he use the thrusters. They can also be used to slow his decent should be be falling. They can go faster should they run over some form of boost panel on the ground but the chance of finding those in Ink City are pretty slim.

Grind Boots The Grind Boots are boots with magnetized bottoms that allow Ratchet to grind along any long metal poles such as grindrails, poles, train lines, and telephone piles.

Gravity Boots The Gravity Boots are magnetized boots that allow Ratchet to walk on metal surfaces as long as it has a magnetic charge. Because of this he can scale walls and even ceilings with ease.

Materializer The Materializer is a gadget that holds all of Ratchet's weapons and Gadgets. It shrinks the weapons and gadgets and stores them on his belt. This is how he is allowed to store and carry all those devices without them weighing him down.


Writing Sample: "Well...this is new." Ratchet stared at the Ink Fountain in the middle of the city. He had read the sign and got some info over the communicator he found but it was a bit startling. So now his blood was ink and he was stuck here? Well great. Now he needed to find a ship and get off this rock. Or make one. But that would talk more time. But if there was a ship to be found, why hadn't anyone else used it to get away? Which meant there wasn't any to be found. Should have thought of that. Making one it was. And from the look at these buildings and the communicator, this technology wasn't like the kind he used to use. It looked old. Great. Outdated technology and trapped in a city full of strange looking creatures.

"Feels like I'm back on Veldin all over again. Fun times." He gave a thumbs up to the fountain and shook his head. "Well, it could be worse. This place looks better than Veldin by a long shot. Look on the bright side Ratchet. Qwark could be here." He chuckled to himself as he imagined Qwark hiding behind the fountain, simpering. Now that would be a sight to see. Well, now wasn't the time to dwell on that. He needed to get moving and find this place that might be here for him. Maybe, just maybe, there was some place here with tech he could use in building a ship. It was a start and any lead was a good one. He turned away from the fountain and started walking. First steps towards a brand new adventure.
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