Note Taking

Jun 29, 2007 14:48

Been runnin’ ‘round like a freakin’ moron an I still don’t even have a hint of what I’m up against. Just stuck here wonderin’ what I’m doin’ wrong. Hate feelin’ like I’m bein’ jerked ‘round. Like I’m bein’ played. All I see is a mystery that ain’t makin’ any sense. It’s literally as if somethin’ came out of the blue an boom, I got myself a safe deposit box with a bunch of nonsense.

All I can do is sit here with my notes sipping on flavored crap coffee and not seein’ anythin’ that adds up. I mean if it were a set up then there’d be somethin’ there. But it’s literally like someone is jus’ messing with me. I’m also 100% sure this wasn’t from when I was Red Hood. I was slightly concerned but I’m sure this isn’t from then. All evidence shows I’m not the cause and this wasn’t done by natural means by a person or organization. So where the shit does that leave me?

You can almost smell the storm before you hear and feel it.

What? Hello? Okay I thought my coo coo for coco puffs days were over, so voice in my head ya wanna shed some light? Hello? Hello! “Hello!”

And a few people in the coffee shop look in Jason’s way as he plays it off as he’s speaking on the bluetooh on his cell phone, though an undertone of embracement is caught as well. A quick collecting of his notes and Jason is immeditately out the door with concern painted across of his face.

Ya wanna speak up? I mean I ain’t down for some kinda noise when ya can just tell me whatever the hell. You know. Like today.
I’ve been telling you that you’re wrong for a reason. You’re not supposed to be alive. And because you were forced back into life there is an unbalance. There is a storm coming Jason. It is so close now.

There’s a pause while Jason just waits by the corner for the light to change so he can cross over. Though he’s unsure where exactly to go. There is this feeling as if he needs to run away. Go any direction but where he’s been going. Almost.

Ya know for the first time in a while I don’t feel like I’m ape shit crazy talkin’ to ya. Mostly cause ya a huge pain in my ass.
Why? Cause I say what I can see in your soul? I’m not you but I can see all that is made up of you. Also I don’t like you.
Wait. What do ya mean ya don’t like me. Ya are me.
Metaphorically aside? No, I am not you Jason. And I do not like you just so you know it’s clear.
So if ya not me then why the shit ya are ya in my head talkin’ to me an all that noise?
You really are just the bruiser in your family aren’t you? Well you were so much more intellectual when you were Red Hood.
Go to hell
You shall be first.
Great come back. Time passes on as he still just stands on the corner. We done? Yeah I guess so then. Okay. Great.

And finally Jason moves on. More confused then what he was originally. Though he actually does feel a bit more secured with what he was thinking before and that he is more mentally stable then he thought. And that is what worries him more.

red hood, jason todd, red robin

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