1 of Too Many

Jun 09, 2007 22:00

He felt the wind in his face as the dryness of the air seemed to sting. The summer would get much hotter then this. It felt good to get distance. To feel his heart jump every time he took to the air and felt the ground vanish under his boots. Jason really wasn’t expecting to do this, but he also didn’t want to run into a shootout with his rental.

There was a brief chance that he wouldn’t get any sleep tonight. He didn’t take the sleeping pills early enough though it wasn’t as if he could follow a certain guideline while checking these addresses. They did fit with many of his former safe houses and weapons depots. It couldn’t just be a coincidence. So more then anything this is way Jason decided to take on his Red Hood garb. Even down to the full face helmet and the body armor he wore with it. It felt like waking up in bed with a former lover and the taste of cheap whiskey and cigarettes on your breath. Something you despise yourself so much for and you feel a small part of you die but it fits so much better then a glove. Much like that touch that never leaves your flesh and almost lingers over the memory.

He spends at least an hour running around the block checking for any kind of tampering. It takes some time for him to check around to be sure if he’ll even come close to the place. Different sights are used from thermal to EMP to find anything that would show what might be waiting or already set up for him. Paranoia can be a good friend. Though only to a point until you look like a timid animal.

“To hell with this noise.” He says while coming down to street level and walking up to the door. He gets to the door and suddenly… nothing. A code is tapped in and he unlocks it.

Walking down a hallway, Jason reaches something that can only be described as a blast door or sorts. A handprint later and another door unlocked, a battery starts to open the blast door. Finally he actually makes it within the weapons depot. Light are flipped on and everything is exactly as it was when Jason left it last. A silent row of curses are sent as he makes sure there has been no tampering. Barely any dust anywhere, though that due more to the filters and such, and the packing grease still well in place in the weapons and other equipment.

Frustration. Anger. Rage. Survey says?

“Fuckin’ goose chase damn well waste of my time gonna give some sonafabitch…” And breathing now. Taking a moment or two Jason brings a chair over and tightens his hand around the head of it. Is breathing slows finally. Nicotine would be nice but he’s trying to cut down. So he’s left with frustration.

What would help? What the shit would help ‘bout now? I mean this is… bullshit. I have so many other place to check an… it could all be for nothin’. I should burn this entire place to the ground cause… cause I’m bein’ an emotional crazy man. Says the man thinkin’ to himself. Whateva. Point is I needa get goin’. Not gonna be out all not an sleep durin’ the day. Also… well maybe I’ll give her a call tonight… Holy shit! Ya sound like a school boy in ya own mind! Yeah. I’m such a putz.

The blast door closes automatically as Jason walks out and then the first door locks behind him. A line is shot out as he takes back to the rooftop to head to the next grid coordinates. His face concealed under that crimson helmet like mask, Jason does feel grateful for this for one reason. He’s carrying that same large and rather stupid grin on his face.

red hood, jason todd

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