[OOC] The Samus Syndrome

May 31, 2007 22:45

There's a lot of fun to be had with Samus-the-crazy-lady-from-space, but if I don't come up with a specific list, I'm just going to get myself in trouble. So here, mostly for my own benefit, but also public education, is the Samus Syndrome.

1) Doesn't Get Cultural References. She's from twenty-exty-five, and spends most of her time alone in a spaceship, so. As she spends more time on the internet, she'll pick stuff up, but right now O RLY? just means nothing to her.

2) Hates Taking Orders. Whether it's because the Chozo have evolved beyond such primitive concepts as disciplining their children, or because saving the world multiple times has given her a repressed superiority complex, the girl doesn't like being bossed around. This is one of the many reasons she's a bounty hunter and not a member of the Galactic Federation police proper. She respects advice and instruction from people she trusts, and she'll do it if the pay is good enough, but it pushes her buttons.

3) Pirates Killed Her Parents. 'Nuff said. She doesn't angst about it, but she is willing to go a long way out of her way to beat the crap out of Space Pirates when she sees them.

4) Difficulty Reading Emotions. When humans communicate with each other, there's a constant flow of non-verbal cues in facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, &c. Samus was raised by Giant Space Owls, and basically never learned any of this. She can pick up on the big, dumb, obvious ones, but things like embarrassment, irritation, or boredom go right over her head. And any attempt to hide feelings from her will usually work astonishingly well.

5) No Concept of Reputation. People sometimes mistake her for a guy, and she doesn't care. She's becoming something of a figure of legend in her world, and she doesn't care. She saved an entire sentient species from complete annihilation, and walked it off with a wave. I think there's a neuron that's just not firing- she doesn't really care what you think about her, and she has difficulty empathizing with people who worry about their image.

6) No Gender Identity. The Chozo have evolved beyond such primitive concepts as Hot Chicks. Samus is one, but doesn't identify herself as such, and doesn't even know about any of the baggage that goes with that. Rather than think about where she fits in in human society, she tends to jump in her spaceship and spend a lot of time alone. Which, sort of works for her.

Looks good? If I deviate too much from this specific list of neuroses, go ahead and give me a poke, alright?


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