Title: A Cover Job
Summary: Newly instated into the Order, Gideon and Fabian contemplate possible cover jobs.
Characters/Pairings: Gideon Prewett, Fabian Prewett, mention of Gideon/Dorcas
Genre: Humor
Rating/Warnings: PG solely based on the slight mention of "oldest profession"
Medium: Large.
Word Count: 769
Author's Note: While not written for
orange_souffle, it could very well be a part of the timeline, just a little farther ahead. Also, as is the case with many of the things I write, this was inspired by a song by my favorite band, formerly New Zealand's fourth most popular folk-parody duo: Flight of the Conchords. Sugar Lumps can be viewed
here. Disclaimer: If you don't know Conchords, don't watch HBO or lack a sense of humor, don't click.
"A specific look, but Gideon also has very expressive eyes, so he says to his brother and other mates after one too many pints." Charyse||Gryffindor