Title: Roughing It
kousuke_bladeFandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Sev/Lily, mentions of James/Lily
Summary: At the age of nine, Lily taught Severus how to pitch a tent.
Rating: PG-13 for sexuality
Disclaimer: Don't own it. All properties belong to JK Rowling.
Notes: Un-betaed so please forgive any mistakes. I wrote this on my cruise and it's my first completed Harry Potter fic so my first one out and about for the public. I'm rather surprised my first wasn't about bunnies and rainbows and the cuteness that is James and Lily. I guess that will have to come next. I am a bit nervous with this fic but we'll see how it goes.
It seemed every time he tried to fit a piece of the puzzle, it only went in by force.