Title: He Fought
bh_quinnPairing(s)/character(s): James Potter | Mentions of Lily Evans/James Potter
Rating: General - All Audiences
Word count: 610 Words
Summary: James Potter had never been much of a brawler. He would never back down from a fight - it wouldn’t be a very Gryffindorish thing to run away, after all - but he much preferred to talk his way out of situations before they got out of hand. He had charm and wit, not a wicked right hook. Part of the Years Apart series.
Warnings: Canon character death mentioned.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything from the Harry Potter fandom other than the books I’ve bought. That said, I do own all original writing and interpretations. Please don’t steal.
A/N: This is the second part of a series, but each part stands alone, and the only real order is when I finish writing them. Please enjoy, and comment if you read. Thanks.
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