Rewind. Where did you go? Rewind. Where are you now?

Mar 02, 2006 15:02

Last night was Travis's viewing. It sucked.
I was ok until I talked to Jhum.
And then I saw Trav's little brother.
And his gram was the first person I talked to.
And I just lost it.
It's not fair. It's not fair at all.
And all my friends...they're so heartbroken.
Jhum, Tarv, Tiff, and everybody else, I'm here for you.
I'm staying strong for you guys.
And I promise it will be ok with time.

On that note, I'm going to post some pictures.
They're from the dance and skiing and stuff.
I could use some happy thoughts.


^That's over but I figured I'd post some shots of him anyway. It was fun while it lasted.^
-King and Queen of Hearts Dance-

^Jenica and Laura^

^That's Steiner with the blonde hair and then there's me. I think I'm dancing?^

^Molly, Steiner, Cory, Laura, Me and Britt^

^Steiner, Jenica, Laura and Me doing the Cotton Eyed Joe!^

^Toby busting a move^

^Toby REALLY busting a move^

^Yeah we're dancing^

^Steiner, Laura and Me^

^Me, Tiff, Laura, Jenica, Alicia, Heidi, Molly, Em, Kirsten and Molly doing the "Crazy Frog"^

^Giz, Em and Molly^

^Jon and Laura^

^Jenica and Giz^

^Jay and Denya^
-Ski Club-

^The Guys^

^The Guys again^


-Jared and Dylan-

^The Guys yet again^

-And again-

-And again-

^haha Kyle fell^

^Jared and Mike^

^Jacoby, Nick and Mr. Sherman^

^Hass and Jared^



He only takes the best.
And only the good die young.
RIP Travis Steven Walter
Gone but never forgotten.
You'll always be in our hearts.♥

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