So... the cat is out of the bag.

Nov 01, 2005 12:33


Well, My Sis and Mom with their collective powers have deduced that I have purchased a motorized vehicle of some sort. So I guess I can share the info with everyone now.

I got a motorcycle. I really love it. I can travel around Seoul now, visit the places I want to. Go back and forth to school and work and tutoring easy. I wish I had this the FIRST day I was here. I'm really learning alot more about Seoul, but it's still easy to lose your way here. hahaha

Wanna see a pic of it... My bike Looks exactly like this!

A little less shiny since it's used and the amazing thing is I only paid 300,000 won for it. (300 bucks US)
Runs great... had it tuned up for only about 15 bucks and it's great.

Don't worry, I'm very careful here in Korea riding it. I do look forward to returning home in one piece.

Well, that's my update for now.
I've been really busy lately so I'm gonna study for my last midterm.
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