I don't think I want to forget this...

Jun 14, 2010 10:57

Last night I had one of the most random fucked up dreams I've ever
had in my life. It seriously felt so real and it scared the shit out of me...
So here it is as best as I can remember...

So I remember that I went to Webb's to meet up with Alex and Derek and Webb's for some
reason was like, two stories. I think that it was the first story was non smoking and the
second story was smoking? We went up to the second story to meet up with some friends
and then all of a sudden I was in this fancy house with Alex and Derek and we were
at a baby shower, my baby shower I guess?
Then in that same house there was Logan's baptism (yes it went from the baby shower
to the baptism?) and everybody was taking all these pictures and giving us all these
presents and then there was this woman, that just kept looking at me really awkwardly.
After the baptism I was walking out to my car to get something and there was that woman
again. She got into her like... green SUV type thing and began to follow me.
Pretty soon after that I was running like crazy and she was chasing after me. She then
ran into a building and I got caught in this explosion when the car ran into the wall.
I ran back inside to who was left at the baptism and everybody was gasping.
I ran to look at myself in the mirror and I literally had a gash that went all the way
through my cheek. Like I could literally see through it to my mouth. It was so fucked up.
Anyways, I didn't have health insurance so i asked around to see if anyone was a nurse or something to see if anyone could help stitch me up really quick. I turned around to find
that same woman that had been chasing me said she was a nurse. I suppose I didn't recognize
her at first so I said alright and she took me into the bathroom and she like
stitched me up halfway.
Then I noticed it was her and ran away, and I was in this giant restaurant that had
glass for walls and behind the glass was an aquarium. I ended up finding my mom
and my siblings there eating dinner and then all of a sudden I was on my street that
i live on now, and I was running and I ran into Mike and he called an ambulance for me, but as I realized I'm still pretty angry with him I ran
down the street to my house. When I got to my house an ambulance showed up and I passed out.
And of course the nurse was this lady that I had seen multiple times in this dream.
I think that's when I woke up. I know that I'm forgetting something but that
was just so bizarre. I woke up crying and freaked out. Talk about anxiety kicking in like crazy.
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