((OOC: Post
She leads Raph upstairs by the hand, a strange sort of gleam in her eyes, a step and a half ahead of him. She reaches his door and throws it open.
...The room there is most pointedly not his room. The walls are plaster, for one, instead of cinderblock, and it's... well... it's a lot bigger. There's a family picture above a bowl with two goldfish, and a slightly shabby but very comfortable couch. And lots of stuffed animals. A few books and a crude vase on a coffee table. And a stereo. With records. All in all, it's a very cute, very comfortable little place.
The girl stalking the room, however, could be described as 'peeved.'
There's an umbrella stand by the door. She stalks to it and pulls out one of the umbrellas there. It's a pretty thing, black and elegant. She looks at it like it might be a weapon.
"I just... Ooooh. ...I hope that dummy didn't break anything..."