Hi. :)
(How exactly are you supposed to begin a journal post? I'm assuming that if you've got something to say, it wouldn't be hard... but, well... Drat. -.-)
Now for the bumpy start: I've been stalking LJ for a while, mostly wrapped up in the work of some of the stunningly talented fanfic authors floating around. Kenaz, for one (an awe-inspiring person who, come to think of it, deserves a much more dignified verb than 'float'). ^^ She's wonderful.
Right. The purpose of this is to introduce myself. Please be gentle, as it's past midnight and my self-expression is not at its best. I'm a student, in my gap year at the moment, hoping desperately to spend most of the rest of the year overseas. I'm also a history lover, and adore thick books; libraries are a haven to me, a bewitching store of ideas - folly, wisdom, emotion - in which you can immerse yourself. I have a passion for storms, wild winds and wide open places. I'd rather listen than talk, write my thoughts than speak them, watch than play - most of the time.
There is a mantra I've been longing to live up to, to keep in mind, for some years now. In my best moments, I believe it wholeheartedly.
It is this: that people are colour, music, magic and light. That they're all the things that make this world beautiful. I add it now as a reminder to myself, and a placeholder: that is what's good!
Ai... I think I'm tired. ^^ No more rambling.
But I will throw this in, just because.
Haldir in the rain. Do I need a reason? :P