well this ought to be bloody brilliant.

Jul 17, 2010 08:52

Short notes, more details later:

*Car damage: $720. Way less than I was expecting (the last time the word "transmission" was involved the pricetag was $2400.) Will have car back Monday or Tuesday. Hurrah.

*fucking beast shitfuck cat (by which I mean Ganon) decided to start yowling at 3 a.m. As a result neither Mike nor I slept much. Am tired and exasperated and cranky enough to consider taking his ass to PAWS and leaving him there. (I won't *actually* do that. It's not serious consideration. But I am pissed.)

*also slept entirely wrong and my entire lower back is fucked up. Silver lining: thank God I hired movers instead of doing this myself.

*at least almost everything is packed and whatever isn't packed will just have to wait.

moving, argh!

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