I needed that.

Jun 13, 2010 21:29

So it turns out my general fussitude yesterday was due to--what else?--cold fronts moving in, as I realized around 10 pm after I had taken wrenbow off to the bus station and came back home and oh hi my head was exploding and someone stabbed ice picks into my eyes. So I took two extra-strength Tylenol (by which I mean, just accepted that I was going to pass out absurdly early) and fell into bed, and slept from 11:30 to 9 am.

That felt good.

I got up at 9 feeling incredibly refreshed and awake, and wanted to go spend time by the pool since it was supposed to be not horribly stormy today--but sadly it was like 65 degrees, so that idea went by the wayside.

However, I was feeling particularly energetic, so I cleaned the kitties' water fountain, cleaned up their food area (God only knows how they make such a mess of it) and...

I cleaned my desk.

This is a thing that has not been done in at least a year. Probably more.

It took me a total of 5 hours, although probably only 3.5 of it was work (the rest was making lunch, playing sudoku, fussing with iTunes, etc.) but the entire desk top is clean. I threw away two trash cans' worth of stuff, and that's not counting the handful of things in a pile to be shredded when I unpack the new shredder. I have a very small pile of things to file or box up; the boxing-up pile would be a lot smaller if, er, I could bring myself to throw away my graduation cards. But those cards are all I have left of some of my maternal great-aunts, and they made me tear up and sniffle while I was going through them, so in a box they go. A box that will not be thrown out.

Other than that, I've been playing LUNAR: Silver Star Harmony on the PSP and having a lot of knee-jerk NO UR DOIN IT RONG reactions, mostly to the voice acting. Nall's voice is too deep, Luna sounds too bitchy, Nash sounds like his testicles have actually descended....blah. Ghaleon's new voice is probably an improvement, but I kind of liked his "wtf??" voice the last go-round. The game does seem to be somewhat easier, which means I should get through it even faster, and I like the new special attacks. I suppose I am just being cantankerous for the sake of nostalgia. (Just finished Meribia 1.0 and got the application from Phacia.)

Oh, and they fucked up the Boat Song. I like the old one better, damn it, abstract lyrics and all.

Also. Also, I'm going to die laughing, and it is all syvia's fault: Loathesome in Its Own Deliciousness, Dissidia Final Fantasy, but can be read with knowledge of no canon other than FF7 (and all you really need to know about FF7 is the Honeybee Inn scene, if you know what I mean and I'm sure most of you do.) 800 words, quick and easy read, and absolutely hilarious. Especially Team Cosmos' reactions, and double-especially Squall's.

It'll be a quiet week, anyway, since the paladin will be on another continent (again). I need to work on my big bangs, since I am kind of epically failing at them. Or, you know, I could just play LUNAR a lot. And try to finish Strange Journey, so I can be all set for P3P and Puzzle Quest 2.

recs, lunar

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