Hmm. I--- Hmm. Okay, like, I kinda want to say something, but not the wrong something, you know? But I'm an inch taller and about 10 pounds heavier and I'm pretty happy with myself. I do want to lose about 5 pounds, and get some muscles, because I have flab where I didn't before this year's stress fest and it seems foreign to me... But to me, it sounds like you are a good size for your height.
You know, I feel like as long as you feel healthy, and doctors think you are healthy, that's a good size and shape to be. However, I know some people who are happy with their body image (as far as weight goes anyway) but who I wish would lose weight, because I know they have put their lives in danger with it. And I think the obsession with weight, image and how we *look* that our society has takes the emphasis away from what's important--- "Am I healthy?"
(Also like, as an aside, everyone thinks Shakira is so hot. But when I saw her at the office she just looked like some random chick. She was very cross with the world, just a nasty air about her. It made me think about what really makes someone attractive and how much is camera trickery.)
See, intellectually and logically, I know that I am a healthy weight for my height (this is also what I weighed at my healthiest when I was working out a good deal more than I am now). I just. I look at myself and even though I *know* I am a pretty healthy woman (if not in as good shape as I could be), I get obsessed with the tummy flab and the jiggly thighs and ew my face looks so gross, et cetera. And that's what frustrates me. Objectively, I am a woman of reasonable weight who is acceptably healthy. Subjectively, I am disgusting to myself. Funny thing: I am way ridiculously more generous in my opinions of other people. I am only this hard on myself and that's a big part of the problem.
I think I get it. I do do that some, especially since I packed on some pounds this year. I guess it helps that I am so worried about EVERYTHING ELSE (like whether I left my headlights on or whether that noise outside is a prowler or whether ants will come in if I don't wash my dishes O_O) that I don't leave as much time for stressing out about my personal appearance, even when it bugs me. >_>; I don't know what it is that makes us worry about these things that don't really matter, and telling you not to worry about isn't gonna help.
...I think in my case it helps that I am a hopeless narcissist. I think I am awesome (I think my flaws are kind of funny) and have told myself "Hey, looking good!" enough that it apparently stuck.
You know, I feel like as long as you feel healthy, and doctors think you are healthy, that's a good size and shape to be. However, I know some people who are happy with their body image (as far as weight goes anyway) but who I wish would lose weight, because I know they have put their lives in danger with it. And I think the obsession with weight, image and how we *look* that our society has takes the emphasis away from what's important--- "Am I healthy?"
(Also like, as an aside, everyone thinks Shakira is so hot. But when I saw her at the office she just looked like some random chick. She was very cross with the world, just a nasty air about her. It made me think about what really makes someone attractive and how much is camera trickery.)
...I think in my case it helps that I am a hopeless narcissist. I think I am awesome (I think my flaws are kind of funny) and have told myself "Hey, looking good!" enough that it apparently stuck.
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