I find this start to the year acceptable.

Jan 01, 2010 23:35

Last night was awesome party time. Mike and I hosted a party, which had a total of some 13-14 guests (usually about 8 at any given time.) We had a metric fuckton of food (red beans and rice with sausage, veggie/fruit tray, shrimp cocktail [because cooked tail-on shrimp were $5 a pound at the grocery store and I POUNCED], a tray of brownies (and there are more in the kitchen), chocolates, and of course copious amounts of booze. The option existed for nachos, but we decided we were all quite well fed as it was. Robbie and Wizera stayed the night, and then we got up today and had orange spiced scones. Mmmmnoms.

At the end of the night--after a half-assed rendition of the first verse of "Auld Lang Syne," plenty of Rock Band, some Super Smash Bros. Brawl!, and some Firefly, we curled up and went round the room with best things of 09, things we want in '10, things we don't want in '10, and a few other "take your turn explaining" sorts of things. It was nice, and interesting to hear other people's perspectives.

We tumbled into bed about 3 am, and then woke up today at around 10:30ish. Mike and Robbie and I plotted some DCP evil, and then I went off to attend to spreadnparanoia's cats, and then Mike and I headed up to his place so he could pick up a few things for the rest of the weekend. Just as we were leaving to head to the local GameStop in search of a new Rock Band guitar (one of mine has decided it doesn't want to work anymore), Mike's parents called and said they were in town, would we like to get lunch? We met them at the Yard House, and watched the tail end of the Outback Bowl (boo on you, Northwestern, your kicker BLOWS GOATS) and had some nibbles. I have eaten way more food than can possibly be good for me in the last few days. Gah.

We left there, hit up GameStop where I repaid Mike for last night's booze with copies of Valkyria Chronicles and Assassin's Creed 2 for our PS3 (by the way, y'all, the PSN username's Lassarina, like this surprises anyone ever) and acquired a used Rock Band controller, because it was le cheap. We still need to get an HDMI cable for the PS3, but I am just about done spending money, because for heaven's sake, between half the PS3 (we got the 250 GB model), the party ($200 worth of food plus my half of the $160 worth of booze), and everything else, I have spent an absurd amount this weekend. I quit. My bank account protests mightily.

I got my year for getyourwordsout off to a decent start with 619 words. I've decided to write as though I'm not doing NaNoWriMo, because although I'm moderately certain I will do it this year, I'd rather not have that cloud over my head. Hopefully I can keep up this pattern.

I also picked up the replay of Final Fantasy XII today - we were nearly done when last I got distracted, and I decided I wanted to finish it off this weekend. We did Draklor Laboratory, the Feywood, and I just finished doing Giruvegan/Great Crystal except for the very last boss, and then it'll be on to Ridorana and ending time, which is totally doable in the span of tomorrow.

Still working slowly on Avalon Code - I apparently need a shield so the soldier at the castle will take me seriously so I can join the army so I can find the Ice Spirit...? Okay. Whatevers. :)

Good first day of the year, overall. I've been cranky a lot, but I know that's due to tiredness. Hopefully I'll be better tomorrow. Also tomorrow, I will share my Yuletide recs and my own two Yuletide pieces.

avalon code, assassin's creed, final fantasy xii, new year's

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