omg, you guys

Jul 13, 2009 17:31

So far today, I have: washed all the dirty dishes in my kitchen, cleaned out the fridge, taken out the garbage, reorganized the linen closet so the door actually closes, done the grocery shopping, made a vet appointment for Zelda tomorrow, and picked up my prescription. Yesterday I organized the pantry and threw out all the expired stuff. My apartment is becoming terrifyingly clean!

(it still wants dusting, another round of vacuuming, a bit of mopping, and I haven't even touched my bedroom; but the public areas are tidy.)

And since it's Monday and Monday always needs cheery things:

Baby sea lions learning how to swim. I am more than a little bit dead of cute.

Another newborn leopard cub at the National Zoo. You keep on reproducing, leopards! Your babies are ADORABLE.

In other cute news, Zelda is asleep on the floor under my chair with her paws wrapped around my ankle. *dies*

Alright, now to write another 250 words on my FFEX fic to meet my minimum words for the day on THAT, and then I will poke at some other stuff.

stupidly obsessed with organizing, easily amused kitty likes twist-ties, omg squee, kittens!, kitty approves, awesomeness cubed

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