Not for the reason you think, perverts =p
So Friday Mike and I went for a bike ride from his place to Chicago Botanic Gardens. It is a 6 or 7 mile ride. I have not been on a bike in almost 15 years. OW OW OW OW. rar.
Which is actually the less annoying of the weekend's injuries - while riding, I got bitten by some manner of grey stripey winged bug thing, and am having a totally awesome allergic reaction to it, resulting in a sizable red rash across most of the back of my left hand and a fair bit of swelling. I bugged
sabrielrose about it yesterday, and she said to just ice it to take the swelling down and put Benadryl cream on it for the itchy rash and if it doesn't clear up in a few days, then go bug my doctor about it.
Yesterday was good - we went to Arlington Park to watch horses run around the track and had sandwiches and tasty things. Of course it rained all afternoon and finally let up just as the races were over and we were getting to leave, but so it goes. We ventured to
bobbler's place for a bit, but then I was tired and cranky and peopled-out, so we came back here. And Zelda curled up in between us to sleep. Super plus adorable.
Now I am going to get some food and some caffeine, and then head off to Mike's.
(p.s. haven't read LJ all weekend. I will catch up, but am more likely to hit personal entries first and fic/metafandom later. If there's something you are super plus desperate for me to know about RIGHT NOW then drop me a line.)