life, the universe, and everything

Jun 16, 2009 10:06

It's been a busy few days, that's for sure. And I have accomplished nothing ficlike to show for it. Ugh.

Friday I finally got to start my copy of Crimson Gem Saga. Stylistically, it reminds me a great deal of the LUNAR games on the PSX, in terms of how the battles work and the character interactions. It's also basically made of tropes, but it manages to be very charming and engaging despite that. The skill system fascinates me, and I've been having a lot of fun with it.

Friday night I took wrenbow out to dinner at Lawry's to celebrate her being done with university. We had a wonderful dinner, and then went back to my apartment, where we discovered a Mike (who had forgotten that I was to be out that night, and had come over to hang out. ^_^) There was some Rock Band, and a bit of other video gaming, and then we crashed for the night.

I made blueberry bread for breakfast on Saturday (from a box, so nothing too impressive), and then Nat headed out with Robbie to do some shopping. Mike and I lounged around with snuggles and video games, and then headed out to Prairie Moon for Claire's birthday, with bonus Jeremy! There was much lambic, and also the best crab cakes I have had outside of Maryland. (Though to be fair the ones we had at the wine tasting festival last year were pretty good....)

Sunday was quiet; we got up early and made breakfast and watched some Babylon 5, and signed up for events at GenCon. Which reminds me I need to request my vacation days. ANYWAY.

Then I got a craving for ice cream, so Mike said he'd walk his bike with me to the ice cream place and we'd get ice cream, and then he'd ride home. Only the closest ice cream place per GoogleMaps is no longer in existence. :( We ended up taking a loooong walk (about 30 minutes?) in search of something else, and ended up at a bubble tea place with delicious freezies. Then he hopped on his bike to head back to his place, and I walked back home by myself.

Last night there was dinner out at the Yard House with a ton of people, including the newlyweds plus bobbler and Nikki, Jeremy, Claire, herod_the_nut, wrenbow, teki, Robbie, and Emery. Much delicious booze was had, and fabulous food, after which Mike and I went back to his place and hammered out the basic theme of a martial arts style for me to use in his Abyssals game, and then went to sleep.

So! Busy busy. In the meantime, have some worksafe recommendations:

Freaking amazing Celes cosplay by the lovely
mithrigil, which becomes more amazing when you realize she sewed and beaded the damn thing by hand. Way to go, Mith. (That costume, for the record, is pretty much what I always pictured for opera!Celes. Yeah.)

And some fic: Four Ghosts, by terra. Final Fantasy Tactics, Delita-centric, endgame spoilers, PG. "In Ivalice, death has become the fashion." The language in this fic is amazing, and I think terra did an excellent job of showcasing Delita's various sides. Some great imagery as well.

Okay, time to go do something useful.

good times, recs, crimson gem saga, final fantasy tactics, cosplay, fanfic

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