this is less snarly but more grabby-hands than the last post

May 31, 2009 23:23

So, hey, Internets.

I need me a reading icon.

I would super plus love it if it was one of Sarah from Lost Odyssey, maybe holding one of her journals. Does such a screencap exist anywhere? Would anyone more competent than I at Photoshop like to make me an icon from it if it does? I combed as much as I could of the LJ iconning comms and even ( Read more... )

lost odyssey, internets knows everything, icons

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wei_jiangling June 1 2009, 21:40:13 UTC
Ooh, ooh! I make icons! I have no idea if such an icon exists, but if not, I also do fanart and just got a shiny new tablet to play with. :D *adds this to list of things to do*


lassarina June 1 2009, 21:40:38 UTC
You are so awesome. ♥


wei_jiangling June 1 2009, 21:41:27 UTC
That was a super fast response. ♥


lassarina June 1 2009, 21:41:58 UTC
I am at work with my email open and this tends to lead to crazy fast responses. XD


wei_jiangling June 1 2009, 21:47:04 UTC
Ahh, that makes sense. XD Brief internet searching makes it look like I'll have to draw this one myself. We'll see how that goes... I haven't done any fanart for a while.

btw, Sarah Sisulart does not equal Sarah Palin, Google.


lassarina June 1 2009, 21:50:00 UTC, indeed, she does not. *siiiiigh*

I don't think I have video capture capabilities, but I wonder if any of the official art has her with a journal. I seem to recall that there's a scene somewhere - maybe the bit at the Old Sorceress's Mansion? - with her holding it, at least. *ponders*


wei_jiangling June 1 2009, 21:40:53 UTC
If such a screencap exists, I meant. Huzzah for typing too fast? ^^;


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