that was a fantastic use of an evening

Feb 25, 2009 00:56

Happiness Meme
--All-you-can-eat sushi of delicious
--Avatar. I have now seen all of it. You may comment as you will, but please mark spoilery comments in the title or wtih large text for those who haven't.
--I still ship Zuko/Katara. Deal with it.
--Hanging out with spreadnparanoia, Kevin, Downey, Dan, Piper, and intorporeal
--Saw Memento finally! o hai thar interesting shinies.
--Making a heroic mortal for a game Kevin is making noises about. Sijanese apprentice. (I am actually trying very hard to build her in such a way that she easily can Exalt some way that isn't Abyssal, since that's really fucking rough on the rest of the PC's if they Exalt anything-not-Abyssal.)

I had a (very good, very strong) cup of Earl Grey before dinner, while I was killing time (I had meant to swing by GA and possibly fork over le hard-earned monies in exchange for Terrestrial 4: South, but forgot that it's closed on Tuesday). I am, of course, still very very awake. rarrrrrrrr.

Got confirmation a few minutes ago that Mike is in fact not back until Saturday afternoon (as originally planned, but there had been noises of him getting to come back sooner.) This is sad. But at least we'll have part of this weekend and all of next.

Regardless, it was still a fantastic evening. All relevant kudos and props to the Whale crew.

(random: now that I have started parking on the street behind the Whale instead of illictly stealing space in the church lot across the street, I swear that every time I go back to my car I misgauge how far up/down the street I parked, and have a moment of clutching panic that omg my car is gone before I realize that no, I'm just a fucking idiot.)

avatar: the last airbender, random, exalted: perfect circle, omg squee

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