what, where did the weekend go?

Feb 22, 2009 23:42

I have no idea where my weekend went. Well, I mean, I do, but I don't.

Friday night was Kevin's birthday party, so I went toddling off to that. Unfortunately I was way too exhausted to really take part, so I ducked out before the bumper-cars lacrosse got started.

Yesterday I slept ridiculously late. Mike has me in this habit of waking up at 8 or so; I must have truly been out of it with exhaustion, because I slept right through my alarm and woke up at 11:15. I am boggled by this.

I dragged myself out of bed and made stunned-cat incoherent faces at yi_sen on vidchat for a while; after two cups of tea, a scrambled egg and some hash browns, I was much more coherent and talked about Exalted for a while. Then I got my stuff together and went to DCP, where crazy shit happened and oh my God I'm fucked and it was pretty awesome.

I came toddling home and played on the Internet a little while, and then fell into bed sometime around 1:30. I woke up at 8:30 this morning, snuggled the cat (and got licked a lot) for about half an hour, then got up and talked to yi_sen a little more and then found some clothes, watered the cello, and headed out to spreadnparanoia's place. There was to be a oneshot of 5 Dragon-Blooded and I built my antagonists accordingly; through a series of unfortunate events, we wound up with 3.

For the record, the top of the Tiger Style tree is, um, more than sufficient against any three opponents if you have any reasonable quantity of Ox-Body and two rounds' worth of buffs. After the first round I gave up on the second free MA attack and started cutting back on the number of dice he got for his counters, especially since his Snake-Style buddy was keeping one of the characters distracted.

Exalted having been completed, we went off to Whole Foods so spreadnparanoia could acquire the things she needed to make dinner. We came back and watched Avatar from "Boiling Rock" through "Ember Island Players." Zuko. Zuko. All the hearts, you have them. Also I am pretty much solidly cemented to the Zuko/Katara ship; you will not change my mind. Although I kind of also ship Zuko/Mei like burning. Azula is insane. I think I've mentioned this many times before.

Anyway, dinner and Exalted and Avatar were collectively pretty damn awesome. I am so happy that I love Exalted again. I missed it with all its perennial crazy and random shit that I can do and blame it on whatever occurs to me at the moment.

(p.s. re-read Laughing Wounds style at random today and holy cheese it is the most disgusting style ever. Paired with a 4-point Earth hearthstone - the one of lethal to bashing?- or else a relevant Resistance charm which I am pretty sure is low on the tree for Solars/Abyssals - it literally makes you fucking unkillable except by agg. Or by somehow capturing you, tying you down, keeping you from sleeping, and continuing to poke at you until you run out of Willpower and then, only then, can you be killed. WTF. Also if you can combo the top charm with even one decent MA excellency, you just own some poor bastard. Period. End of story.)

It was a good weekend. Unfortunately I now need a weekend to get over my weekend :( Woez.

*is counting down days til Mike gets back*

Had a really odd dizziness episode this afternoon. I haven't had one of those in over a year. It went away after dinner (which for me involved two glasses of water) so I'm not sure if it was blood sugar related, water related, or what, but that was very disorienting. Here's hoping it's gone and not planning to return. I dislike said episodes.

Also, I am moping too much recently, so it's time to re-energize the happiness meme. The rules are simple: Every day, for seven days, post at least one thing that made you happy that day.

Today's Happy Things
--I got to run Exalted and had a lot of fun doing it.
--I got to hang out with spreadnparanoia et al.
--There was Avatar shiny.
--Snuggly kitties!
--Delicious food.
--Ganon was made of love this morning.

Alright, bed now.

good times, avatar: the last airbender, exalted: oneshots, dcp: phoenix

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