but it's all over now and it sure is Monday

Feb 16, 2009 23:11

I was too busy this weekend to miss Mike (much....), so hat tip to wrenbow, spreadnparanoia, et al. for keeping me occupied.

Then I spent most of today sulking. This is probably largely related to it being Monday, but argh.

However, I did smile upon seeing the roses in my kitchen when I got home. And I got strawberries at the grocery store. And brownie cookies with powdered sugar. NOMS.

So now I am curled up with a romance novel. Which was possibly, uh, not the wisest course of action for dealing with "I miss my boyfriend," but I am apparently not good at wise courses of action. So I might as well indulge in sappiness.

Hope the neck injury or whatever goes away tonight =/ I'm getting kind of tired of not being able to turn my head or bend my neck certain ways.

Alright. Enough whining. Back to reading. shut up I totally still believe in happy ever after.

angst angst and woe

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