I have amazing friends. I'm just saying.

Jan 18, 2009 23:15

So, first_seventhe showed up Friday evening, and arrived at my apartment at 5:10. I got home at 5:20 and we hared off immediately to the Lands East to pick up a wrenbow. We swung by Chipotle on the way back, and then promptly sprawled around the common room in various states of dishabille. Lost Odyssey was put on for visual entertainment.

Then a yi_sen pounced on me in GoogleTalk and demanded videocam, so we signed on and all chatted happily with yi_sen and celeloriel. At this point I was, uh, rather drunk (because between the three of us we drank two bottles of wine and three bottles of raspberry lambic - which I might point out is 10% alc by volume beer - and that was just Friday night) and I'm sure I amused them rather greatly. We all chatted for quite a while, and then we signed off to have more Lost Odyssey. Around 1 am we called it quits and went to bed.

We woke up at 9 am on Saturday and made breakfast (scrambled eggs with onion, potatoes O'Brien, and bacon, plus of course the obligatory tea) and then curled right back up with Lost Odyssey. I did some laundry while we finished the plot, and then Sev started up her Christmas gift, which was Persona 3 FES. Around 5 we condescended to don our pants, and headed out to the mall. We were originally going to meet Mike for supper at Cheesecake Factory, but his muse ate him and he bowed out. So instead we hit up Crabtree & Evelyn, who have discontinued my favourite scent and I am NOT A HAPPY CAT (but I found another one that will suffice so I will not pout overly much) and then had our dinner. We got cheesecake to go, and came back, hitting the liquor store on the way in search of more raspberry lambic. They didn't have the brand I like, so we tried another. I was not impressed - it tasted like beer-and-raspberries, instead of "omg RASPBERRY hi!" But that's a whole different matter.

Sev then commenced Final Fantasy XII, and I fiddled with my laptop some. I tried to write some porn, but it just wasn't happening, so instead I finished the last six puzzles on Professor Layton and the Curious Village. We then watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, which I have to say is just not as awesome as the rest of Joss Whedon's work in general, I'm sorry. It's reasonably amusing, but I was left rather "meh" overall. I discarded the now-complete Layton in favour of Final Fantasy II on the PSP, and cleared it. (I hooked up the PSP to the TV when Sev quit FF12 in favour of writing, and she described Pandaemonium as "Castle Bling Pimp-Cup." I mean, it's not entirely inaccurate. PINK AND SPARKLY.)

Somehow we ended up staying up until 4 am (oh my God I've not done that in ages) and crashed out. We all woke up around 10:30, where there was breakfast and tea, and then sadly my Sev took her leave and took the Natalie with her to take to the train station. Mike then cross-country skied down and I went to pick him up at the end of the bike trail. We hung out for the afternoon and spent some time watching the various championships (I am SO DISAPPOINTED that there is not to be a Birdbrain Bowl this year! Baltimore, you've let me down. Sad kitty cries.) Mike then tried out his new shiny, that being Dead Rising. I fiddled about with Final Fantasy II a bit more, playing with the optional dungeons (hey, Soul of Rebirth? FUCK YOU IN THE EYE. At least the save-anywhere feature on the PSP makes that not HORRIFYINGLY CRIPPLING anymore.)

I made shrimp scampi for dinner, and then we curled up and cuddled for a while, and then I drove Mike back to his car. Only to find that the parking lot where he had stashed it, in one of the parks, closed at sundown. So he had a parking ticket and we had to do some shenanigans to get his car out, which were fortunately successful. But still. Parking tickets, woez.

Now I am back home and contemplating the having of tea, and also fiddling about on the Internet.

Seriously, though--an amazing weekend. My friends are awesome.

your toreador does what?, too many tags, st ajora it's a war lion!, video games, my boyfriend is awesome, brain triplets, awesomeness cubed, jesus christ it's a horcrux, sev and rina need a hobby, the internet is for porn, the no-pants party, easily amused kitty likes twist-ties, kitty approves, nat is happy shinies, pointless silliness, sev/rina otp, sev/zeromus otp, basically i am awesome, friends, zeromus wants this action, addicting people to stuff i like, a distinct lack of pants, obsessive video gaming ftw, your sideplot is my metaplot, this is nat's fault, happy things, whee, geeks-r-us, it's 5 o'clock somewhere, ashley's ass is the reinforcements, i wants the shiny

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