Good weekend, yus

Dec 14, 2008 18:54

It has definitely been a good weekend :) Last night we went to sabrielrose and calhin's place, with bonus wrenbow and teki, for food and hanging out. We watched a movie called Hackers which was just hilariously bad; Sean failed at talking, to amusing result (it totally sounded like he was talking about "Poontang Saints" instead of "Boondock Saints" with all relevant accompanying hilarity). There was a ton of tasty food; calhin made cherry-and-marscapone pierogies and also beef-cheese-potato pierogies; sabrielrose baked a Brie; wrenbow made sesame green beans; Melzer made twice-baked potatoes of delicious awesome, and I made sweet chili meatballs.

Today has been a very slow and lazy day. We got up, made breakfast, I played some Persona 4 (more on that in a second) and then there was football. Green Bay failed; Jacksonville failed just an eeensy bit less; Carolina rocked my socks; and we just won't talk about the Redskins because I think I might cry. Cincinnati. Cincinnati! WTF WTF WTF. Okay, giving up on that one.

So, Persona 4 spoilers - May 30/saved Kanji.

Kanji is awesome. I am full of so many hearts for him, he's adorable. I like how he just faced up to himself; I like his attitude toward his otherself; he cracks me up hard.

Other S.Link wise: Magician 3, Priestess 1; Empress 2; Hierophant 3; Chariot 3; Justice 3; Hermit 2; Strength 3; Temperance 3; Sun 3. I'm balancing them out pretty well.

Stats: Knowledge 3; Understanding 3; Expression 2; Courage 2; Diligence 1. Level 25.

Okay, off to e-mail some recipes to Chris, and then more P4!

good times, persona 4, football

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