Happiness Meme 7

Dec 10, 2008 17:45

--Bacon biscuits are an awesome breakfast ( Read more... )

sev/rina otp, meme, zeromus wants this action, happy things

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Comments 4

puella_nerdii December 11 2008, 15:23:25 UTC
It is a good meme to keep up, I think. *grin*

(Also, you can haz a Puel later this month, if that works out -- I'm going to be in Chicago from the 23rd to the 30th, and if you're going to be there, too, there should be meeting. And squeeing. And flailing. <3 )


lassarina December 11 2008, 15:25:35 UTC
YES. YES. OMG. Uh. *thinks hard* I think I am free on the 28th? There could be Lost Odyssey plot. I have a high def TV now so we could actually read it. XD


wrenbow December 11 2008, 18:50:20 UTC
Is it the weekend of the 24th she is coming? Because I think that might be a DCP weekend...


lassarina December 11 2008, 18:53:02 UTC
I sent her the DCP list so we could plan around it. So no. :D


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