
Sep 21, 2008 21:30

Pirate Party was awesome. I got to see lots of people I don't see often, and had a good conversation with herod_the_nut. bobbler screamed a string of sentences at me in pirate talk about Melzer not showing up right before I left, most of which I was unable to comprehend, but it was a good time nonetheless. Although bobbler's neighbours tried to cause my death.

Robbie was walking me back to my car and I tried to cross the grass patch between the sidewalk and the street. Unbeknownst to me, there was one of those stupid ankle-high fences around it. So I stepped sideways and the next thing I knew I was on hte ground with my hip, shoulder, and ankle going OW OMG WTF DID U JUST DO. I got up and determined that there was no serious damage to anything but my pride, and drove home, where I promptly acquired an ice pack for my ankle.

Mike petted me for a while until I felt better, and we crashed early (before midnight, meeps.) I didn't sleep very well; kept waking up and not being able to fall back asleep. He coaxed me out of bed at the ungodly hour of 7:45 with promises of Walker Bros. for breakfast, and off we went. We had a very tasty breakfast and ended up just curling back up in bed for a while.

We were going to go for a bike ride up to the DSW so that I could buy shoes, becuase my walking shoes are completely wrecked (well, and why wouldn't they be after 8 years?) but it turned out that the bike I was using was, um, somewhat less than safe - the first time I applied the brakes, they locked, and that...didn't go well. So we walked the bikes back to his place, and he drove me up to the shoe store. In less than 10 minutes total I had acquired shoes and proper socks and paid for them and we were leaving (That's a record, even for me and my shopping style, by which I mean "go in, get what I came for, and LEAVE, kthx"). We headed over to Best Buy, where i acquired a new flatscreen LCD monitor to replace the eight-year-old HP Pavilion monitor that initially came with Arianrhod back in 2000. It has started making a REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING squeaking sound that makes me want to kill things.

Then we went to the Glen, where we had a nice long ramble around the lake during which I broke in my new shoes. Holy crap, I forgot how nice it is to have shoes that aren't worn down by my really weird way of walking (I put all my weight on the insides of my feet, but my new shoes are apparently designed to correct that, as they feel REALLY WEIRD if I do that.) We stopped at a Mexican place for lunch-type nibbles, and watched the last quarter of the Bears game plus the OT. I, uh, may or may not have cheered quite enthusiastically for Tampa Bay. Fortunately no one tried to lynch me for it. ^_^;

We drove home and watched the Philly/Pitt game (hahahaha watching Waffleburger get sacked, rushed, or just plain owned about a billion times = winicite. Also, Leftwich, the best you could do after losing starter at the Jags was to suck Roflcopter's cock back up Roethlisberger? My amused face, let me show you it.

I am still doing a victory dance of awesome at the Jags. go baby go. Show Peyton who's boss! Kitty approves like none other. ♥ And the Redskins won! This is also epically awesome. Kitty does pleased dance. I'm sad that Carolina lost (to Minnesota? WTF were you THINKING?), but I'll deal with it.


Also, I got the "bad" ending to P3 last night, aka the "Minato is a douchebag" ending. I didn't save the cycle information, so instead I'll just load up my 12/30 save and go back to do the "good" ending. MUST MAX MITSURU'S S. LINK, SHE IS SO CUTE. Also must decide what I will name the protagonist on my next play-through. Currently it is a toss-up between Weeping Cock and Douchebag Twatwaffle, because I am 5 and easily amused.

Net result of the weekend: shiny new toys, and ow motherfucker my shoulder hurts like hell right now. Siiiiigh.

Time to read LJ, watch the rest of the Green Bay game, and do my claims at Kinkfest.

Also, noticed today that Mike and I are starting to finish each other's sentences. Kitty is amused, but unsurprised.

persona 3, shopping, football

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