We be havin' the bullet points again, says I, for I be a scurvy dog unwillin' to put too much work into pirate speech.
* It be Friday at last, and there be rum to be drunk! BRING ME GROG, I SAYS.
* The first mate Ganon is apt to be walkin' the plank for mutiny and insubordination if he don't shut his damn trap.
* There be a sad shortage of
other captains about this evenin. Landlubbers and scallywags, the lot of ya! CAPTAIN LASSARINA DISAPPROVES.
* Therefore, there be Persona 3 ahead! FULL SAIL, FIRST MATE GANON! That there Tartarus be just beggin' to be plundered!
* This pirate is a few mugs short of a barrel of ale, aye.