My bookshelves are no longer incorrect! They are properly sorted! I can find things. It's completely brilliant.
Dear Redskins: I'd really love it if you didn't suck.
Dear Jaguars: ILU. ♥
In other news, unpacking proceeds apace. I have one kitchen box and four miscellaneous boxen to unpack, then three boxen to sort through and consolidate. I'm almost done! It's so exciting!
I don't quite have enough places to stash boxen. That's a little bit distressing, but I'll work it out.
Got my last Gardasil injection today. ow. My arm hurts. Oh well. I'll get over it.
Weekend will be a combination of awesome and blah. Tomorrow night is Mike's birthday dinner. Saturday is cleaning and helping Nat pack; Sunday is helping Nat move. (omfg I hate cleaning and moving. so sick of both. But because I love Nat, and I owe her like crazy, I will do it.) Monday is lazy day and time at Ravinia with Mike, which will be exciting. Tchaikovsky! Eeeeeeee!
...I'm beginning to see just how it was possible for the Redskins to get violated 3-47 against Carolina last week. Come on, guys, Carolina didn't even make the PLAYOFFS. The Jags managed that much, at least, and this isn't quite as embarrassing as that was. Sheesh.
Have I mentioned that I'm totally excited that the Redskins season opener is next Thursday and that, being a Thursday game, I'll actually get to WATCH it? Because I really am. MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT IS A REDSKINS GAME ON TV. Now win, you bastards. (Sorry,
alixnoorchis, but I'm a Redskins fan born and raised.)
In other news, I'm starting to get really into Every Light Casts A Shadow again, so hopefully that will GO somewhere. I'm finally starting to figure out the bits of the scene that I had to skip to finish NaNo. I just passionately wish I had not tripped over a
giant fucking elephant while talking with
celeloriel the other day, but that's how it goes. At least I found the elephant now, instead of in beta.
Okay. Time for FF Tactics Advance and football.