Well, that was productive.

Jul 28, 2008 23:57

With the exception of auronlu's "Love Her And Despair," which, um, I'm still on chapter 4 and she's up to 13 and I'm shamefully behind - anyway. I spent tonight catching up on my reading, and as a result have only six days' worth of bookmarks (going back to February, omg, I'm awful) to catch up on, and two multi-chapters and a heap of other stuff. But. Huge progress.

(Sidenote on my reading style, and why you might get comments from me literally months after you post: I have huge amounts of stuff that scrolls by my LJ f-list. Some days I'm just not up for dealing with it. When that happens, I take "whatever I didn't get to" and sling it all into a Firefox bookmarks folder labelled with the date, with the intent of coming back to it later. Usually I catch up when I visit the parents, but sadly, I've not done that since Christmas. Ergo, I am way behind.)

I just shudder to think about the amount of catch-up reading I'll have after I move, but that's something to worry about later.

(note to self: one of these days, share some recs. You have oodles of stuff bookmarked. share.)

the internet is for porn

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