well, that was unique.

Jul 22, 2008 22:56

The moon tonight is gorgeous. Huge and golden and hanging low over the horizon, both ominous and breathtaking. (I had to stop myself from counting days to the next Full Moon. Thanks, P3.)

Just got a review on FF.net for my Magna Carta story (the Orha/Serina) in which the guy was being a real jackoff. You don't like Serina, fine by me. Go on and be a douchetard. ^_^;; I wrote it because I wanted to. so there.

(I've had way too many nice reviews lately anyway; about time I found another Fandom Jerk, right?)

In other news, the world is not right when the country station is playing Jewel and Kid Rock back to back. not right at all.

tired kitty is tired.

i do not want you to be pointy, fandom wank, fandom idiocy!, easily amused kitty likes twist-ties, drama llamas, bwuh?

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