aaaaargh fuck you too Natural Dancer

Jul 15, 2008 08:24

*written last night, delayed posting due to LJ flipping out*

I hate the boss on 110F of Tartarus. Hate it with a burning, blazing passion. Four times now I have ventured forth to slay it, and four times been pwned by a move the guide says he "might" use but that's "okay because it usually misses." fuck you, lying beast of a strategy guide, he ( Read more... )

persona 3, rar!, whine, angst angst and woe, would you like cheese with that, you rolled a nat one, life should be easier, apartment, your shipment of fail has arrived, oh fuck, argh!, flailing pointlessly

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red_mage_jerry July 16 2008, 03:42:27 UTC
A better thought:

Fuse yourself a Narcissus (Lovers Level 20 or so, if I remember correctly), make sure it has a heart, and then get it all of its skills (shouldn't take long). You'll get a Narcissus's Flower, which guards against charm. Then pick up some Amrita water from the antique store (three or four should suffice), and some Dis-Charms. Equip the Flower on the main character and laugh at the dancers =)

They upped the success rate of the stat ailments because they were pretty close to useless in the original, due to their low rates at equivalent levels.

BTW, getting the heart items is a big help in The Journey (especially the ones that null elementals and Light/Dark - give them to the other characters to keep them standing), and nearly essential to beating The Answer at any sane level.


red_mage_jerry July 16 2008, 03:45:02 UTC
IF you're really paranoid (or greedy?), you can record Narcissus (or any other Persona with a heart item) just before they produce the item. Get the item, then fuse or discard the Persona. Buy a new copy and fight the one battle to get the item again.

Note that this doesn't work in The Answer, because you don't get a Compendium.


lassarina July 16 2008, 03:46:22 UTC
Sadly, I already recorded Narcissus after getting the heart item, so I can't do that little trick again. But I'll keep it in mind in the future!


red_mage_jerry July 16 2008, 03:51:53 UTC
Actually, you can. Just re-fuse him. You can re-record him at the lower level without a problem. Worst case scenario, just take two up-to-date Lovers and fuse them with each other, repeating the same-arcana fusion until you get down to Narcissus

He should be low enough level now that he'll get his abilities quickly this time around - lower level = more EXP from fights.


lassarina July 16 2008, 03:45:44 UTC
I had a Narcissus with a Heart Item, which I got (by levelling it up the hard fucking way without the Lovers S. Link oh God kill me now it took fucking forever). Basically it still owned me :( I'm levelling up to try again.

What do I need to get Amrita Waters?


red_mage_jerry July 16 2008, 03:56:19 UTC
I'm not sure about what they cost in The Journey, but in The Answer it was Ruby + Sapphire


lassarina July 16 2008, 03:57:29 UTC
Fair enough. Thanks so much!


red_mage_jerry July 16 2008, 03:49:10 UTC
Also, Omega Drives and/or Rebellion/Revolution are your friends against no-weakness bosses, as are weapons with "Crit Rate Up" (but to a lesser degree): the boost to the critical rate is significant, especially once you can also start to throw around Apt Pupil (unlike most accessory abilities, these seem to stack).


lassarina July 16 2008, 03:53:57 UTC
Oooh, crit rate boosters. I have me some of those. I have me a nice shiny Titan.


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