Things that are not fic or fandom! (well, mostly)

Jun 25, 2008 22:36

This week has been insanely busy.

Tuesday I killed my Exalted game. It had been planned for a while; I'd been running the game for two years, and it had ceased to be fun, to the point that I always sat down to the gaming table with no plans in place, because I could not stand to think about the game when I wasn't in it, because it stressed me too badly. The players got to kill a Deathlord (when you put a Deathlord against four 200-XP Solars backed up by a Solar Circle sorcerer, a fairly stacked Changing Moon, the Dawn Caste what is only good for combat, a mastered Tiger Style Zenith, the Deathlord's newly renegade Midnight Caste with a soulsteel grand grimscythe, the Fire Aspect what makes mincemeat of anything that comes near his Solar lover, and a few more miscellaneous combatants, Deathlord go squish. Especially if you destroy one of his Fetters immediately beforehand. (Thanks again, pooka_madness, for helping me.)

Today was rather busy at work - it was one of those unfortunate times of slogging through a lot of repetitive stuff on a huge project where you know you're technically getting things done, but it doesn't feel that way, and it just gets frustrating. Tomorrow I just have to generate and spit out a handful of forms, and then highlight them and decorate with pretty Post-It flags showing where to sign. That won't be too bad.

Tonight Robbie and I looked at an apartment. Aesthetically, the one we saw on Saturday was better, but this one has a better parking situation. I'm not really 100% happy with either one. WE have another place to look at on Friday. Even though I know that it's USUAL to not have a place by now (anticipated move date 1 August), it's making stress creep and crawl around my neck and shoulders because 8 years in a college town has trained me to think that my lease starting 1 September should be signed, sealed, and delivered by 31 March. It is severely stressful. I'm trying to make myself calm down, but I'm a long-range planning kind of person when I bother to plan at all, and my mother's spaz fits are not making this easier. Augh.

Anyway, we came back from there, got tea at Argo Tea, and then met Claire and Jeremy for dinner. We went to That Little Mexican Cafe, which has the best guacamole I've ever eaten EVER. They bring a cart to your table and make it in front of you to your specifications. omfg. SO GOOD.

I went down and bugged Melzer a little bit, and now it is time for me to crash, because I've been going to bed way too late and I'm just exhausted. Tomorrow I'm getting dinner with unclehyena, which should be awesome and we haven't done that in a long time (a year? at least?) so I'm excited. Friday is another apartment viewing and then spending some time with Mike; Saturday is helping Melzer move; maybe Sunday I can haz moar Persona? Or more likely I will volunteer for unpacking duty, and stuff.

Blerg. Tired kitty is very tired. *snags tags from other people as I skitter to bed*

exalted: southrons, life should be easier, apartment

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