
May 25, 2008 19:38

Have spent the entire day in the kitchen. Fortunately not barefoot nor pregnant. XD

I made Captain Highwind's Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cake, and also made deviled eggs (which Melzer kindly helped with in the way of shelling eggs, which I hate to do.) For dinner, I tried my hand at risotto. Mmmmm, tasty! Full of mushroomy oniony goodness. yay.

In other news, I spent more time playing Lost Odyssey, and a little while playing Puzzle Quest. I feel like I'm not really getting anywhere on my current quest for LO, and will be VERY VERY UPSET if I have not found the last Seed (I'm almost out of places to look and I've combed everywhere I can think of...got a couple extra dungeons to go, but sheesh.) Also still not in possession of Treasure Trove achievement, though I don't think I shall be till I go back to Temple of Enlightenment.

I also spent part of today lazing on the porch, since it was gorgeously 70-something and sunny, reading more of Abyssals second ed. I love Abyssals even more right now (such a thing was possible?) The Five Understandings are neat, and also, Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible is epically full of the batshit insane.

So yeah. Not a really productive day, but I've still got, what, 4-5 hours? :) I did make some progress on my yaoi_challenge fic, but it's being complicated and frustrating because Squall is being obstreperous and Seifer is declaring shenanigans and it just won't end well.

Right. More tasty risotto, and reading, I think. My head hurts. :(

lost odyssey, cooking

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