
May 21, 2008 23:19

Spirit Sorcerer Fu is defeated. I have two more achievements to prove it. The guide was all like "this fight is so hard! You have to have all these excellent Rings and he's going to do all these things that are going to pwnz0r your party!" and I'm like "Well, I'm sort of middle-to-high end of the level range...let's give it a shot..." and I walk Obsidian Miasma in one round, the Reverse Souls in 3, and Fu gets off one Halberd of Heaven and then I destroy him in one round after I get rid of all his friends. I am not impressed.

Now to find my way out of the fucking stupid ruins where I just went in a stupid fucking circle, and then to the auction house in Saman where hopefully I will get the few things I've missed thus far so I can have Treasure Trove. (ovo_lexa, do you know - can I get the Pipot Collar that way or do I seriously have to go back through every fucking place I've been trying to find the last 9 seeds?)

I should make my way out of the ruins tomorrow and since I"m currently at level 80 and the recommended level for the final boss is 50, I think I'm, ah, quite set. A few hours running round in Gongora's Secret Cave will finish off Sarah and Ming learning the last of the mortal-skills, and then I shall be able to finish this game.

(Also, the guide LIES. It says I can get items on XBox Live Marketplace, ONLY THEY AREN'T THERE. You SUCK, sirs.)

I got the impression from looking at Fred's gamerscore for LO that there's extra content to be had beyond what I've already got (and shiny extra achivement points), but I can't find it on the marketplace. Am I just full of crazy or has his gamercard glitched out?

Anyway, unimportant for now. What is important is SLEEP. There must be Kahlua Mousse Cake starting tomorrow!

lost odyssey

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