I knew I was tempting fate.

May 07, 2008 19:35

I was marveling today that spring hadn't tried to kill me yet. As of 4 pm, it is definitely trying. Claritin has made a dent, though.

I spent most of this afternoon playing chess via email. I am made of fail at that game. I was in check within 10 total moves and had to pick between king and queen. *laughs* Oh well. It was an entertaining way to spend my afternoon.

DCP on Saturday was awesome. I have a whole new appreciation for just how fucking brutal clan Lasombra can be. Black Met + Puissance = I own your soul, bitch. Found out some really cool stuff about other characters, got to participate in the giant zombie combat, et cetera.

I haven't done much else of interest, except work on planning my Mage game (the prop I wanted has arrived! Glee!) and read. Lots of reading. I read The Silver Branch again this weekend and it just...does not even compare to the rest of the Keltiad. Rhodri has no depth, he's clearly a cardboard plot device intended to justify Aeron's revenge, and Arianeira's entirely too obvious for someone who's supposed to have completely blindsided Aeron and Gwydion in The Copper Crown. I'm irritated, but mostly at myself - I should know well enough to let my old favourites be, because I will just get cranky when I read them critically in the way I have grown accustomed to.

On the other hand, I am currently re-reading Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince, which thus far has survived my irritated critical eye intact, save for the bit about Lady Surya and Lady Karayan's respective deaths that I noticed the very first time I read the book, and still notice quite jarringly every time. I've been geeking out with celeloriel about books a lot lately. I have missed her. So much. ♥

There is nothing else of import occurring in my life. I have my wig for ACen, and I like it enough that I may end up using it as part of my DCP costume next year. I need to get fabric this weekend to construct the rest of the costume. (Yes, I procrastinate; and your point is?) I also still need to finish my het_challenge pieces, and stuff.

I am tired and fussy and allergy-filled, so I am going to go curl up in bed with my book.

chess, spring, dragon prince, keltiad

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