busy busy

May 01, 2008 23:13

So, apparently there are tons of interesting things to do in Chicago! Who knew. Certainly not I, who have lived here for 8 years and have yet to go to:

-Museum of Science and Industry
-Field Museum
-Art Institute
-Shedd Aquarium
-Adler Planetarium
-Chicago Botanic Garden

what, I fail at Chicago. am making lots of fun plans though. I like shiny things!

Today was a good day. I was productive at work. I finished reading Changeling. I started designing my Mage chron - yeah, the one I've been wanting to run for like 4 years but didn't for a variety of reasons. I'm really happy with what I've got and am poking at how I'm going to houserule some things (Fuck you, Avatar Storm, I deny your existence and banish you to another reality that is not mine. MY goddamn World of Darkness, bitch!)

Let's see, what else did I do today? Ah, right. I was craving some seafood, and so demanded company in the direction of one of the seafood restaurants around here, and had tasty, tasty snow crab legs. Mmmmm. Seafood. And then there was ice cream and Buffy (almost done season 6!) and life is good and happy.

Tomorrow is Friday! And then there is the weekend. I am way way way excited for Saturday. so much awesome hi OMG.

Also! Iron Man this weekend! Squeal!

Life is indeed good.

Dear self: need happy icons. why are all icons either emo or Kushiel? bad self. no cookies.

i'm in ur ljs stealin' ur tags, too many tags, tags more expressive than the entry, since when am i happy?, silly things make me happy, moppet!, whut?, awesomeness cubed, storytelling, i stole this tag from katy, good times, can i just lick it, omg squee, happy things, chicago

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