
Apr 28, 2008 00:07

Today was a good day. I played some Lost Odyssey and am at the final subquest before the last boss battle (and then I need to beat the last 2 Backyard levels, which I can't do till after I clear the Temple of Enlightenment, and then I somehow need to go back and find the rest of the Seeds because I *will* have my damn Pipot Collar so that I can get all the Immortal Skill Master achievements. Kaim, Sarah, and Seth are all really close, and Ming will get better (she joined the party really late though.) Cooke, Mack, and Jansen just need a couple more levels to get all their skills, so I'll be racking up the achievement points once I finish Temple of Enlightenment.

But that is not all my geekery, no! For then I ventured forth to the Whale, in search of Avatar. OMG WTF ZUKO YOU'RE KILLING ME. Killing me so dead. We're well into Season 2 (on the last disc, I think - up to ep 16 if my memory is correct) and aaaaaaaaah Zuko WHY. Why is it always that guy. I was talking to spreadnparanoia and I think we are going to move on to FullMetal Alchemist when we're done Avatar, because we do really like watching things socially, and so that will be made of win.

Anyway, I am stuffed with delicious food. Most of the pieces of my ACen costume have been ordered. And it was a really awesome weekend overall. Good things abound, and I am a happy kitty. ♥ Not least of which because I have Abyssals squee squee squee I mean, no, I am not planning horrible ways to kill a_leprechaun, herod_the_nut, sabrielrose and calhin in my Exalted game, wherever would you get such an idea?

Abyssals. ♥

I could get used to things being this awesome.

avatar: the last airbender, consumer whore, omg squee, awesomeness cubed, acen

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