
Mar 25, 2008 22:19

Watched more of Buffy season 5 tonight. Cried through both episodes. Thanks, Joss, you're killing me over here.

In reading terms, I've been super productive. I finished Compass of Celestial Directions: The Wyld and Compass of Terrestrial Directions: The West in the last 3 days. Also saw the end of Avatar Season 1. Actually accomplishing things on my to-do list? Shocking!

....This does not, however, appear to include kinkfest prompts. Oops. ....Fail, Rina.

Work is seriously killing me this week. I wonder if the impending lack of same is making it seem worse. Or perhaps it is just lack of sleep.

Minor crisis averted this evening in way of the heat - it died, you see, and the house was freezing this morning when we woke up, and had not improved by this evening, at which point we realized the heat was off. Boo. It is fixed, now, and all things are toasty. This is good.

I am rambly and full of incoherence, so probably time to end this now.

buffy the vampire slayer, work stuff

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