That was fun.

Mar 09, 2008 12:00

Playing off people's expectations = awesome.

Introduced my new character at DCP last ngiht. I'd put some pretty significant thought into her name and backstory, and her name and clan combination were pretty much designed to slay people at court, which I think I succeeded at.

So we go through the whole Josh battling Kevin Sue for control of court deal (we've nicely moved from Jeremy battling herod_the_nut in this aspect - also, wtf Jeremy's character transformation what the hell is going on there um anyway) and we finally get around to my introduction. Downey had graciously agreed to not state my name out loud so that I could do my introduction in amusing fashion; I'd picked a seat over in the corner so that I could also have a view of the room while doing this. (Ian interrupted court with significant hilarity regarding having lost his ear, but that was irrelevant if endlessly entertaining.)

So my introduction went like this. "Good evening. My name is Alessia Giovanni. I am of clan Lasombra antitribu." (as people start muttering, sputtering, flailing, and laughing) "My status in the Camarilla is Feared and Trustworthy. I seek acknowledgment in your city."

Downey at this point states that he has verified my Camarilla status and that I am who I claim to be. Eric is kind of choking on the other side of the room. Kevin Sue acknowledges me. Eric just starts exploding with laughter and is like "Okay, so that's just okay? We're just allowing this. Okay. All right. Okay."

:D I'm pretty pleased.

I also got to drop Obtenebration and use obscene amounts of Potence, which is fantastic. and soon there will be even more. Glee and squealing. Hurrah for combat. (Okay, not really hurrah, but damn it, I got to use my combat skills this time.)

Also had an excellent conversation with a Sabbat archbishop and kidnapped a Sabbat ghoul rather effectively. Need to have more conversations with Dan's character.

I also need to run more Exalted, and read Changeling so that I can run that too. Or beg other people to run it for me.

Okay. Time to find my wrenbow and go forth in search of Smash Bros. Brawl. Also get some cash for tonight.

also, Claire has ordered our Team Evil T-shirts. I WILL HAVE MY INFERNALIST SHIRT. best thing evars.

dcp: miami

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