I'm too sick still to make a coherent response and analysis, but
this post is pretty fucking amazing. (briefest of synopses: it's a fandom-friendly analysis of how fanfiction serves as a way of keeping female artists from doing "real" work, in much the same way that female artists historically have been downgraded based on gender; before we knew that Wuthering Heights was written by a woman it was treated as a discourse on evil; after it was known that a woman wrote the book, it was treated as--and is still taught as--a romance. It's amazing and interesting and really quite cool to read. I recommend it.
Still sick. Packers game made me exult at least insofar as I felt capable. Jaguars game made me sulk. Woez. Ah well, as long as I don't end up with the Convicts and the Dolts in the Super Bowl, I'll be reasonably happy. (Go Giants! ...my God, I feel dirty saying that. *clings to Redskins sweatshirt*)
Sudafed, Gatorade, and chicken noodle soup for me.
My cat is almost ready to fall off the bed. It's cute.