First of all: OMG, thank you so much
katmillia and
mithrigil for shiny, shiny, shiny fic. I recognized Mith instantly, and I am shamed like a shameful thing that I did not recognize Katy. I'm sorry, Tubby, but I still love you best ♥
And now! The reveal is done and I can post!
Christmas ChampagneMy actual assignment. Cruel Intentions, Sebastian/Kathryn, R for language and implications. 1000 words of snark.
SwansongPinch-hit for
sister_coyote, which I jumped on like a mad thing because I knew all her fandoms and all four of her requests hit me with instant bunnies, so thank you so much for those prompts. This one is traditional faerie tales (I picked The Wild Swans) and looks at the youngest brother at the end of the tale. Rated G and absurdly worksafe. ^_^; 1100 words.
OMG YULETIDE. Also: does anyone happen to know the person who wrote
this gorgeous piece of Golbez/Kain (goes by alixnoorchis)? I feel the need to obsessively read all their fic. Link is absolutely not worksafe and has basically all my buttons: severe consent issues, magickink, Y HALO THAR PAIRING, mentions of Valvalicia, also explicit badtouching. Hi. Hi. ♥ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I make undignified noises. Also this person's handle implies knowledge of Kushiel, and I make EEEEEEE noises.