Oct 14, 2007 11:54

This is me doing the victory dance. All three of my het_challenge fics are done and want only checking over or minor changes; my springkink piece is done; I have the bunny for ff_het and it should be easy enough to write; and then I am freaking done with challenges except for yuletide.

This feels so good. *purrs happily*

In other news, yesterday was awesome. We had the big meeting for "You've been in this city at least 50 years" for DCP, and oh my God, this year is going to rock. Claire made me a supremely shiny offer that will make my character rock an ungodly amount even more than she does now, and I'm going to faint laughing at herod_the_nut, bobbler, and Jeremy and the way their characters interact. Also my primogen is going to be the most hilarious thing ever.

Then, of course, there was Tremere Prom, and that was awesome. Somehow in the course of it I agreed to run a Scion oneshot on Tuesday. Now, normally, two days is plenty of planning time for oneshots. However, I'm going to spend a large part of today car shopping, and I'll be at rage_goblin's tonight, and I have my Exalted game tomorrow night, and work is probably going to be insanely busy.

This is clearly brilliant.

I have a plot seed, I just need some stats because it's Scion, and players need things to kill in Scion. Also, the way that this particular group of players tends to shred through plot, I need to make sure there's lots of stuff for them to do because unlike, say, running for a group composed of Jeremy, herod_the_nut, intorporeal, and wrenbow, I cannot count on the players spending three hours of the oneshot arguing with each other about the correct moral action to take in any given situation. (I once ran an eight-hour Exalted oneshot because people *ahem*Jeremy*ahem* kept arguing about whether what they were doing was the right thing.)

Anyway. Running for different types of folks has all kinds of advantages, like making me remember how the heck to run combat. And oh God, I hate Scion's combat system, but that's okay. Eeeeeee, Purviews!

Okay, I'm a ridiculous geek. And this ridiculous geek needs to shower before car shopping. ^_^;

dcp: miami, scion, writing: fanfic

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