
Sep 16, 2007 02:03


So, I came home Wednesday night to spend some time with parents for my birthday. Thursday was a pretty awesome day. My mom and I went out shopping at Barnes and Noble, where I bought her the first three book of Kushiel's Legacy. She then went to get her hair done, and I got a pedicure with gorgeous shiny dark-red polish. We wandered the mall, where I got a new lipstick, and then met up with Dad for a really tasty seafood dinner.

Friday was quiet; Mom and I kicked around for most of the day not doing much of anything really, and then yi_sen and celeloriel came by and picked me up to take me to their place for the evening. Cel and I stayed up until 4 am discussing fic while she rapid-read most of the fic I've written in the last several months, and we discussed the things that I did well and poorly in each. We also had a lot of music discussion. Then there was sleeping, and then challah bread French toast plus FF12 piled in a heap with pillows and blankets in front of the TV. ♥

We came back to my parents' place for a birthday dinner also involving rabbitbenrin, my parents of course, my Uncle Robbie and my cousin Bobby plus his girlfriend, and Mady and her daughter Karie. (Mady babysat me when I was very young, and I still remember how Karie's room was decorated when I was four: she had a white bedspread covered in very colourful hearts in all the shades of the rainbow.) I has acquired shinies: a gift card from BenBen, money from Uncle Robbie, and from Mom and Dad....a Wii!

I don't have the actual physical Wii yet. I have a family tradition: A picture of the item I am to get. XD But is squeeshinies! Yesyes.

Overall, a fantastic weekend. stargemini, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to see you, but Mom was being very clingy and most reluctant to let me out of her sight for even long enough to go spend some time with Cel and Yi Sen, so I couldn't really get away.

In gaming news, I progress rapidly through FF3DS. I have gotten most of the way through the Eureka dungeon, insofar as I've gotten the Masamune and the MoonRing Blade. Need to advance on to the shops so I can have Arise and other useful spells and equipment. Then I finish Eureka and spend a while levelling in the Crystal Tower (with trips back to the Invincible to rest/restore) and then, hopefully, I beat the game.

And on that note, I am *really* tired, and I'm going to sleep!

good times, final fantasy iii, friends, family, birthday, happy things

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